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How to edit fields on the Edit Record types page
How to edit fields on the Edit Record types page

Learn how to navigate the Edit History sidebar, edit lists and edit multiple Record Types in your workspace

Hana Block avatar
Written by Hana Block
Updated over a year ago

The benefit of material tracking is you know where your materials are at any stage of the supply chain, from manufacture to install on site. Every material you're tracking has a record in Matrak that shows where it is and what its status is.

These Record Types have different categories: Materials, Locations, Containers and Tasks.

  • Materials include everything from big items like Facade panels to small items like nuts and bolts.

  • Locations tell you where these materials are in the supply chain.

  • Containers are your stillages, shipping containers, or deliveries. Tasks show which jobs need to be done, or what needs to be checked.

In the Edit Record Types page you can:

  • Add new Record Types such as Materials, Containers, Locations and Tasks

  • Quickly edit the fields within these Record Types

  • Edit multiple Records Types in one interface

What we'll cover in this article:

Tip: You can use the above links to 'jump' to areas of the article you might specifically be looking to learn about. We've added a 'Back to navigation' link at each section header to quickly come back to this navigation menu.

What are record types?

Record Types are essentially like templates for your Matrak records. They all have unique IDs and status fields by default, and then you can add different fields to collect information about your materials like comments, dates, times, links, and photos. When you edit these fields it will change the fields in all of the associated records that use this template.

You can create Record Types for Materials, Locations, Containers and Tasks. For example, when you create a Record Type for a Stillage in the Container category you might want to include fields like Location, Arrival Date, Arrival Time and Comments. That way you know where your delivery is going and if it's been packed properly.

Navigating the Edit History sidebar

You may have noticed throughout this article the Edit History Side bar has been updating with our actions as we've been creating this new Record Type.

This will show you a history of all the changes made to this page. You can see if someone creates new Record Types, changes or creates new fields, or deletes any information. This way, you know all the edits that were made to your record types.

If you can't currently see the Edit History sidebar, simply click on the wrench icon which will bring up some Admin settings, the clock icon will bring up your Edit history sidebar.

Sharing Configuration:

Editing Lists

Previously in this article we quickly touched upon the 'Edit List Reference' feature, this is a super handy feature if you want to quickly change to a common list you use frequently.

On any project you're going to have multiple types of list such as statuses, locations, quality checks and ITP's, if you right click in your Record Type, it brings up your menu.

Click 'Edit List Reference':

This will bring up a screen with all the lists you've created for this project, you can scroll and select any list from this page, and it will update the list value in your Record Type.

Editing multiple Record Types in your workspace:

If that wasn't enough we have another handy feature on the Edit Record Types page, if you right click on any of your Record Types on the Right hand navigation, it brings up the menu where you can click to 'Add to workspace'.

This allows you to view and edit multiple Record Types at the same time, without having to click between multiple tabs or pages.

You can also use this menu to change the category of your Record Types, Rename or Delete them.

Note: Deleting a Record Type cannot be undone.

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