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Multi Project Report

Streamline material management across multiple projects in a single report view

Hana Block avatar
Written by Hana Block
Updated over a year ago

The Multi-Projects Report is a powerful report that offers a comprehensive view of materials spanning multiple projects. Available on the Custom Reports page, setting up your Multi-Project Report offers a unified view across all enabled projects — providing various team roles with appropriate permissions to read, edit, or move items.

Step-by-step instructions on setting up your Multi-Project Report

  1. Login: Access your Matrak project workspace through your web browser.

  2. Custom Reports Page: Go to the Custom Reports page within your workspace.

  3. Create Multi-Project Report:

    • In the top right corner of the report section, click the '+' button for report templates.

    • Choose "Multi-Project View" from the options.

    • This action will generate a new report named 'Multi Project,' automatically including records from your current project.

  4. Apply Filters:

    • Locate the 'Apply Filters' button at the top of the report.

    • Under the filter bar, activate the 'Project' filter. This filter is necessary to display records across multiple projects of your selection.

    • Select other filters depending on what data you want to see in this report.

  5. Refine Filters:

    • Click on the project filter to choose the specific projects you want to include in the report. This will add a project column to the current report and display the project names for reference.

    • Click on all other selected filters and select the specific information from the dropdown that you want to include in the report.

  6. Move Records Between Projects: You have the ability to access data across various projects and easily transfer your items to specific projects via the move items function.

    • Hover over the materials you want to move to another project, and click the 'Move Project' button that appears.

    • In the popup window, select the destination project and specify the status for the items after the transfer.

    • Activity Log entries will detail the transfer, including the destination project, user responsible, and timestamp.

    • Transferred items keep descriptions, photos, attachments, and activity logs but are no longer linked to interactive drawings. You can make them visible on drawings by linking to destination locations.

  7. Download Your Report: Select the The 'Download' button at the top of your report to download into Xcl, CSV or PDF files to save for your records or to send to clients and project teams.

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