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Export your project dashboard to PDF
Export your project dashboard to PDF

How to Export Your Project Dashboard to PDF

Hana Block avatar
Written by Hana Block
Updated over a week ago

Matrak's dashboard serves as your personalised project control center, offering a highly customisable and tailored view of your project.

The dashboard empowers you to effortlessly track, analyse, and visualise key performance indicators, metrics, and data points. It provides a comprehensive overview of your project's health and progress, allowing you to quickly assess its status at a glance.

Exporting your project dashboard is the quickest and easiest way for you to share project data and insightful reports with clients, contractors, and suppliers. It provides better transparency to clients with insightful project reports sent straight to their inboxes and enhances productivity with effortless data access for teams, anytime and anywhere.

This knowledge base article will guide you through the step-by-step process of exporting your project dashboard to facilitate seamless collaboration and communication within your project networks and clients.

Step-by-steps Instructions to Export your Project Dashboard to PDF:

  1. Access Matrak by opening it in your web browser.

  2. Log in to your account and make sure to choose the appropriate project workspace.

  3. Locate the 'Export' button located in the top right-hand corner of the page.

  4. After clicking the 'Export' button, rename the file with your preferred name and save it to your computer.

  5. You're all set! Now, you can either email the file or send it to your clients.

Exporting your project dashboard is a simple and effective method to communicate project data and insights with teams or clients. By following the step-by-step instructions above, you can efficiently export and share your dashboard, fostering better collaboration and decision-making within your project environment.

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