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Manage Project Drawings

Managing project drawings as a Matrak project admin

Hana Block avatar
Written by Hana Block
Updated over a week ago

As a Matrak Admin user, you have access to manage your projects drawings from Matrak's web application.

In this article we'll cover:

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Managing and Replace Drawing Revisions

  1. On the left side navigation bar, click on the Plans/Drawings tab. Then, locate and click the 'More' button located in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  2. From the dropdown menu, select the 'Manage Drawings' button. This will take you to the Manage Drawings sub-page, where you can oversee all the drawings you have uploaded.

  3. To replace the current drawing with a different one, check the 'Manage Revisions' box. This action allows you to select an alternative drawing revision from those loaded into the project.

  4. Select the drop down arrow under 'Revisions' and when you have selected the drawing you wish to replace the original drawing with.

  5. Once you have chosen the desired replacement drawing, click the 'Save' button to store the changes and update the drawing revision accordingly.

How to remove a drawing:

  1. On the left side navigation bar, click on the Plans/Drawings tab. Then, locate and click the 'More' button located in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  2. From the dropdown menu, select the 'Manage Drawings' button. This will take you to the Manage Drawings sub-page, where you can oversee all the drawings you have uploaded.

  3. To remove a drawing, click the red 'Remove' button next to the drawing that you wish to delete from the project and select the 'delete' button from the confirmation popup

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