Matrak's QR scanner allows you to quickly find and update material and packing list information.
Previously only accessible from Matrak’s mobile app, Our external scanner feature allows Matrak's QR code scanner to be accessed on external Android scanners. Making the feature accessible in factories with phone-free factory floor regulations and personal mobile device bans.
How to start using the external scanner
Step 1: Turn on the external scanner and click on Matrak App
If you have not downloaded this 👉 APK file to install Matrak on your external scanner, please do that step first!
Step 2: Find the Matrak app on the device, click on the Matrak logo and load the app.
The app will automatically be in FACTORY MODE. This will load the scanner view and you will be able to change settings such as switching projects, setting automatic status, changing the language, go back to a recent container and more.
Step 3: Click on the top right navigation to change any settings such as the automatic status.
For example, if you are adding all items into one stillage or one container and want to mark that stillage and all the items in that stillage as "In Transit", you can set the automatic status to "In Transit."
Note: Scan stillage first, then scan all materials going into that stillage. That way you ensure that the materials will be linked to the appropriate stillages.
Step 4: Scan QR codes
You will now be able to scan all QR codes by clicking on the button on the right-hand side of the scanner. As you scan the items, place them in their appropriate location.
Once back on the web app or our mobile app, you will automatically find the scanned items from your external scanner updated with their most recent status in the location.